Slutty brownie


The slutty brownie is more than just a dessert; it’s a delightful fusion of some of the most beloved sweet treats. Imagine a layer of chewy cookie dough, a middle layer of Oreo cookies, and a top layer of rich brownie batter, all baked to perfection. The result? A dessert that’s decadent, indulgent, and irresistibly good. But have you ever wondered about the origins of this cheekily named treat?

slutty brownie

The name “slutty brownie” might raise eyebrows, but its history is as rich as its taste. While the exact origin remains a topic of debate, it’s believed that the dessert gained popularity in the early 2010s, with many attributing its rise to various food bloggers who shared their own versions of the recipe. The name itself is said to derive from the “sinfully” good combination of ingredients, making it a “naughty” treat in the best possible way.

The slutty brownie has since become a favorite in many households and bakeries, with countless variations popping up. From vegan versions to those infused with caramel or peanut butter, the possibilities are endless. And while it’s a relatively modern creation, its popularity shows no signs of waning.


When it comes to crafting the perfect slutty brownie, the ingredients play a pivotal role. Each layer contributes to the overall taste and texture, making it a multi-dimensional dessert that’s hard to resist. Here’s a breakdown of the essential ingredients you’ll need:

Cookie Dough Layer:

  • Butter: The foundation of any good cookie. It adds richness and flavor.
  • Sugar: Both granulated and brown sugar for sweetness and texture.
  • Eggs: For binding the dough together.
  • Vanilla Extract: A touch of aroma and flavor.
  • All-purpose Flour: The main dry ingredient for structure.
  • Chocolate Chips: Because what’s a cookie without some chocolate?

Oreo Layer:

  • Oreo Cookies: The star of this layer. You can use the classic version or experiment with different flavors available in the market.

Brownie Layer:

  • Butter: Again, for that rich texture.
  • Sugar: To sweeten the brownie batter.
  • Cocoa Powder: For that deep chocolate flavor.
  • Eggs: To bind the brownie mix.
  • All-purpose Flour: For structure.
  • Chocolate Chunks: Optional, but they add an extra chocolatey punch.

For a twist on the classic slutty brownie, some bakers have incorporated unique ingredients like caramel or peanut butter. The beauty of this dessert is its versatility. You can customize it to suit your palate or try different variations to keep things exciting.

slutty brownie

Step-by-Step Recipe

Crafting the perfect slutty brownie requires a bit of patience, precision, and passion. But don’t worry, with this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to make this decadent dessert with ease. Let’s dive in!

Cookie Dough Layer:

  1. Preparation: Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking dish with parchment paper, ensuring there’s an overhang on the sides for easy removal later.
  2. Mixing: In a large mixing bowl, cream together softened butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar until the mixture is smooth. This will form the base of your cookie dough.
  3. Eggs & Vanilla: Add in the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla extract.
  4. Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually add this to the wet mixture, stirring until just combined.
  5. Chocolate Chips: Fold in the chocolate chips, ensuring they’re evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  6. Layering: Press the cookie dough into the bottom of the prepared baking dish, forming an even layer.

Oreo Layer:

  1. Arrangement: Take your Oreo cookies and arrange them in a single layer on top of the cookie dough. You can use as many as needed to cover the entire surface.

Brownie Layer:

  1. Butter & Sugar: In another mixing bowl, melt the butter. Once melted, stir in the sugar until well combined.
  2. Cocoa Powder: Add in the cocoa powder and mix until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
  3. Eggs & Vanilla: Stir in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the vanilla extract.
  4. Dry Ingredients: Fold in the all-purpose flour and salt, mixing until just combined.
  5. Chocolate Chunks: If you’re using chocolate chunks, fold them into the brownie batter.
  6. Layering: Pour the brownie batter over the Oreo layer, spreading it out to ensure it covers the Oreos completely.


  1. Oven Time: Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for about 30-35 minutes. The brownies should be set but still slightly gooey in the middle.
  2. Cooling: Once baked, remove the brownies from the oven and let them cool in the baking dish for about 20 minutes. Afterward, use the parchment paper overhangs to lift the brownies out of the dish and let them cool completely on a wire rack.
  3. Serving: Once cooled, slice the brownies into squares and serve. Enjoy the delightful layers of cookie, Oreo, and brownie in every bite!

slutty brownie

Variations of Slutty Brownie

The classic slutty brownie is undeniably delicious, but the world of baking is all about experimentation and creativity. Over the years, bakers and dessert enthusiasts have come up with numerous variations of this beloved treat, each bringing its own unique twist to the table. Let’s explore some of these mouthwatering variations:

1. Peanut Butter Slutty Brownie:

For those who can’t resist the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, this variation is a dream come true.

  • Addition: Spread a layer of creamy peanut butter or peanut butter chips between the Oreo and brownie layers.
  • Result: A rich and gooey brownie with a hint of nutty goodness.

2. Caramel Slutty Brownie:

A touch of caramel can elevate the taste and texture of the classic slutty brownie.

  • Addition: Drizzle caramel sauce or place caramel candies between the layers.
  • Result: A sticky, sweet, and utterly decadent dessert.

3. Red Velvet Slutty Brownie:

Bring a splash of color and a different flavor profile with this variation.

  • Addition: Replace the regular brownie batter with red velvet cake batter.
  • Result: A vibrant and velvety treat that’s perfect for special occasions.

4. Gluten-Free & Vegan Slutty Brownie:

Catering to dietary restrictions doesn’t mean compromising on taste.

  • Addition: Use gluten-free flour for the cookie and brownie layers and vegan substitutes for dairy and eggs.
  • Result: A dessert that’s inclusive and just as delicious.

5. S’mores Slutty Brownie:

Bring the flavors of a campfire to your kitchen with this variation.

  • Addition: Add a layer of marshmallows on top of the Oreo cookies and sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs.
  • Result: A brownie that evokes memories of cozy campfires and starry nights.

The beauty of the slutty brownie lies in its adaptability. Whether you’re looking to try something new or cater to specific dietary needs, there’s a variation out there for everyone. And the best part? You can always come up with your own unique twist.

Pairing Suggestions

A slutty brownie is a treat in itself, but pairing it with the right beverage or side can elevate the entire dessert experience. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply indulging in a quiet evening at home, the right pairing can make all the difference. Here are some suggestions to complement the rich flavors of the slutty brownie:

1. Coffee:

  • Why: The bitterness of a freshly brewed cup of coffee can balance out the sweetness of the brownie, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.
  • Suggestion: Opt for a dark roast or an espresso shot for a robust flavor profile.

2. Milk:

  • Why: It’s a classic pairing. The creaminess of milk complements the dense texture of the brownie.
  • Suggestion: Try almond or oat milk for a dairy-free alternative.

3. Ice Cream:

  • Why: The cold and creamy texture of ice cream juxtaposed with the warm brownie is a match made in heaven.
  • Suggestion: Vanilla or salted caramel flavors work wonders.

4. Red Wine:

  • Why: A rich red wine can enhance the chocolatey notes of the brownie.
  • Suggestion: Opt for a Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon. The fruity undertones will complement the dessert beautifully.

5. Whipped Cream:

  • Why: A dollop of whipped cream can add a light and airy texture, contrasting the denseness of the brownie.
  • Suggestion: Add a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon on top for an extra kick.

In the world of desserts, the possibilities are endless. It’s all about experimenting and finding what works best for your palate. Remember, the key is to complement and not overpower the primary flavors of the slutty brownie. So, the next time you bake a batch, try one of these pairings and elevate your dessert game.

Storing and Serving

The allure of the slutty brownie doesn’t just end once it’s baked. How you store and serve it can make a significant difference in its taste and texture. Here’s a guide to ensure your brownies remain as delightful as when they first came out of the oven:

1. Airtight Container:

  • Why: An airtight container preserves the moisture and freshness of the brownies.
  • How: Store the brownies uncut in their original slab form inside the container. This minimizes exposure to air, maintaining their moisture. Remember to let the brownies cool completely before sealing them in to avoid ending up with a soggy batch.

2. Refrigeration:

  • Why: Refrigerating brownies can extend their freshness for up to a week.
  • How: Wrap the brownies in cellophane before placing them in an airtight container. This dual protection ensures they remain fresh and prevents them from absorbing any unwanted refrigerator odors. Some brownie variations, especially those with dairy components like cream cheese, might fare better when refrigerated.

3. Freezing:

  • Why: For long-term storage, freezing is the most effective method.
  • How: Wrap cooled brownies in cellophane or aluminum foil and seal them inside a large plastic freezer bag. If possible, freeze the brownies uncut to reduce the risk of oxidation. When you’re ready to enjoy them, thaw the brownies in the refrigerator overnight or use a microwave for a quicker thaw. Ensure you use only 50% power and thaw in 15-second intervals to maintain the perfect texture.

4. Serving:

  • Freshness Check: Before serving, ensure your brownies haven’t passed their prime. Look out for any discoloration or an off aroma. A fresh brownie should have a rich cocoa color and a delightful chocolaty scent.
  • Serving Tip: Warm brownies paired with a scoop of vanilla ice cream can elevate the dessert experience. The contrast of hot and cold, combined with the creamy texture of ice cream, makes for a heavenly treat.

For those who love to experiment, there are countless ways to serve and enjoy brownies. From pairing them with different beverages to adding a dollop of whipped cream on top, the possibilities are endless.


The slutty brownie has taken the dessert world by storm, and it’s no surprise that many have questions about this indulgent treat. Here are some frequently asked questions to shed light on this delightful dessert:

1. How to make chocolate brownies Jamie Oliver?

I couldn’t find a direct recipe from Jamie Oliver for chocolate brownies. However, Jamie Oliver is known for his simple and delicious recipes. I would recommend visiting his official website or checking out his cookbooks for detailed recipes.

2. Katharine Hepburn brownies:

Katharine Hepburn’s brownies are a classic recipe that has been cherished for years. Here’s a brief overview:

      • Ingredients:
        • 8 tbsp. unsalted butter
        • 2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
        • 1 cup sugar
        • 2 eggs, beaten
        • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
        • 1 cup roughly chopped walnuts
        • 1/4 cup flour
        • 1/4 tsp. fine salt
      • Instructions:
        1. Preheat oven to 325°. Grease an 8″ x 8″ baking pan.
        2. Melt the butter and chocolate together over low heat, stirring constantly.
        3. Stir in the sugar, followed by the eggs and vanilla to make a smooth batter.
        4. Add the walnuts, flour, and salt; stir until incorporated.
        5. Pour the batter into the baking pan and spread evenly.
        6. Bake for 40–45 minutes. Let cool, then cut and serve.

3. How to make brownies in a jar?

Brownies in a jar usually refer to a pre-mixed collection of the dry ingredients for brownies, presented in a layered fashion in a clear jar. It’s a popular gift idea. The recipient would typically need to add the wet ingredients (like eggs, water, and oil) and then bake the brownies as directed. Unfortunately, I couldn’t retrieve a specific recipe for brownies in a jar, but there are many available online with a quick search.

4. What are loaded brownies?

Loaded brownies typically refer to brownies that are packed with additional ingredients beyond the basic recipe. This can include items like chocolate chips, nuts, caramel, peanut butter, or even candies. They offer a richer and more decadent experience compared to regular brownies.

5. Can I make a vegan version of the slutty brownie?

Absolutely! There are numerous vegan variations of the slutty brownie. You can use vegan substitutes for dairy and eggs, and opt for vegan-friendly cookie and brownie mixes.

6. How long can I store slutty brownies?

Slutty brownies can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. For longer storage, refrigerate them for up to a week or freeze them for up to three months. Always ensure they’re cooled completely before storing.

7. Can I add other ingredients to my slutty brownie?

Definitely! The beauty of the slutty brownie lies in its adaptability. From caramel drizzles to peanut butter swirls, the possibilities are endless. Feel free to get creative and add your favorite ingredients.


The journey of exploring the slutty brownie has been nothing short of delightful. From its rich layers of cookie dough, Oreos, and brownie mix to the numerous variations and pairings, this dessert truly embodies indulgence. But beyond its taste, it’s the memories and moments it creates that make it special. Whether it’s a gathering with friends, a quiet evening at home, or a celebration, the slutty brownie always finds its place.

Baking, is not just about creating delicious treats but also about the therapeutic process it offers. The act of mixing, layering, and watching your creation come to life in the oven can be incredibly satisfying. And when you share your baked goods, you’re sharing a piece of your heart.

For those who’ve embarked on this slutty brownie journey with us, we hope you’ve found inspiration, answers, and perhaps even a new favorite recipe. Remember, the world of desserts is vast and ever-evolving. So, keep experimenting, keep tasting, and most importantly, keep enjoying.


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